Oh my god. We mean, really seriously, some person doesn’t know some people’s feelings about
having a great pressure and having red eyes. Qin Shi Huang is our god but really, I can’t stop complaining
myself. It’s no fair. Do the builders have to always be treated this kind of way, and why should we be
treated like that, anyways, huh? It’s really crazy! It makes our eyes go normal to red because of having so
not enough sleep because of building. It’s really really really exhausting. But the problem is, we can not
quit, just because we’re getting tired building it, and just because we don’t want to build it. We are mature
enough to accept the tasks we have to do and we should not do. We are also mature enough to think of the
future for every one of us, so it seems like, if we quit because of our opinions and reasons, we would be
punished, shouted and yelling at, and the Great Wall would be most likely not be built. And again, we as
builders, have no such thing as having some free time of our own, which is a real mystery to us. Ugh!
Qin Shi Huang
Hmm… I’m glad to hear that those builders say that they’re mature enough to do things and such.
What am I going to do? I am a person. I am a human. I am not like a monster who is selfish and the one
who just treats people like my slaves. I may have to think about other person or other people’s point of
view(s)... Hmm... This makes me really kind of speechless and makes me get some headache of my own.
Workers’ families + relatives
We have only one son each.
Our sons are everything. We love our sons and are proud of it.
But we have our opinions, too, just like our emperor: Qin Shi Huang.
I want to ask him, why does he have to be so selfish, why does he have to be so irresponsible for our
son’s health, why does he have to be a jerk like it?
We want our human lives to be safer, healthy and to be not wasted. We do understand the reason of
building our Great Wall. But we cannot agree with wasting and killing human lives.
Qin Shi Huang
Hmm… I don’t know. But, some things can be really important, people! Be smart about this, please.
Master builders + workers + workers’ families & relatives (together)
Our sons are treasures. Our sons are our proud. Our sons are like everything in our lives. But if they
get to be killed and suffered while building this great wall, we cannot accept it. Human lives are important
as much as the great wall is. You can build anything you like, without killing and wasting people’s lives
anytime, can’t you? So please.
Dear Qin Shi Huang, what is your final answer to our question: Is the Great Wall more important than
the people’s lives? Please answer thoughtfully and precisely. Please.
Qin Shi Huang
People, come on and calm down. I all understand what you people are trying to say here. Listen, I
agree with your thinking that human lives are precious and important than anything in the world, even than
the Great Wall. I totally agree with that thought. However…
Master builders, workers, and the workers’ families & relatives interrupt him by repeating what he
said last.)