The man you reported a week ago was my father!” Xiao Long pressed her foot at the man’s chest,
pressing so hard, her own knee was aching.
Xiao Long’s heart raced, wondering what to do, report him? Hurt him? Xiao Long stared down at the
man; he was whimpering and squirming pathetically.
Where are you daddy?” a young voice yelled from the trees.
The man’s eyes swivelled towards the voice.
Please… My little boy still needs me….” He gasped, recovering his voice, his eyes echoed
Humanity gushed through Xiao Long, her rage seeping away. A million thoughts pierced her mind, but
she loosened her foot on the man. Without meaning to, she stepped away completely. She glared at him for the
last time them turned and ran home. Xiao Long bolted to her room and stared out of the window, half of her was
outraged, but the other half was mysteriously proud.
Something magical happened. The clouds of the afternoon arranged themselves into a smile, but not
just any smile. It was Xiao Long’s father’s benevolent smile. When she saw it, Xiao Long smiled too. That was
how she knew she had done the right thing.
* * *