Yes, someday he will come back.” Xiao Long lied, hating herself. If only she had attempted to stop
the guards, maybe they would have stopped…
All right then.” Said Xiao Zhen
Suddenly, a sound of nearby human footsteps alerted them both, it was coming from the direction of
their burrow. There was not enough time to flee.
An elderly woman approached, she did not look affluent, but there was dignity in her that made her
look elegant despite her ragged clothes, like an Empress in a shabby outfit.
The siblings were freeze-framed; they had not seen another person (apart from each other) for a week.
What are you young things doing here then?” the old woman asked
We were just playing.” Xiao Long fibbed.
Well, it’s dreadfully cold out here, why don’t you two come inside for a while?” the old woman
Thank you very much but-“
Oh, yes please!” Xiao Zhen interrupted
Xiao Long glared at her sister
Come on, Xiao Long, it’ll be fun.” Xiao Zhen whispered, clueless.
So, the sisters were invited to the old lady’s house, which was rather old but cosy.
You have a very nice house, Nice Lady.” Xiao Zhen commented.
Thank you, and please, call me Ms. Lui.” Ms. Lui replied
Ms. Lui gave them some rice, which they devoured. During the meal, they learned that Ms. Lui was a
silk weaver. Then Xiao Zhen took a nap.
Would you like to tell me the real reason why you were in the woods?” Ms. Lui asked Xiao Long.
Xiao Long pursed her lips, unsure what to say.
We’ve been there for a week.” She said finally.
May I ask why?” Ms. Lui showed no disapproval.
Our father… he got taken away,”
To the Great Wall?”
Yes.” Xiao Long whispered
Did a man report him?” Although there was no sign of disapproval, Ms. Lui was becoming nosy.
Yes, I saw him. I was coming back from the marketplace, and I saw everything- Dad, the guards, and
the man receiving the reward, I even locked eyes with him, I hid with Xiao Zhen, I was afraid of being
arrested…, so we fled, I was scared the guards were going to come back, but I left him… I didn’t even try to
stop them…” Xiao Long’s voice was tapering, guilt slowly choking her throat.
Well, you had no choice, if you had tried to stop them, you and Xiao Zhen would have been arrested.”
Ms. Lui was comforting, almost like a mum. Xiao Long never had a mum before. Dad had covered
mum’s absence, as well as being a dad.
However, would you two like to stay here?”
Xiao Long was uncertain she had heard her right.
You mean, forever?”
Of course.” Ms. Lui replied, smiling
Ms. Lui had given Xiao Zhen and Xiao Long a spare room, it was small, but it was comfortable.
That night, before she went to sleep, Xiao Long vowed that one day, she would catch that beast that
reported her father and make him pay, maybe then, she would not feel so guilty.
Xiao Long had a strange dream. She was four years old, she had done something wrong, though she did
not know what it was, she expected trouble but her father just smiled and said to her “You must always do the
right thing, my dear.” Then, she woke up.
For the next few days Xiao Long learned to assist Ms. Lui with her silk weaving, she had also
developed a habit of going on afternoon walks. She was taking a walk when her eyes caught a middle-aged man.
Her heart stopped.
It was the fiend that testified against her dad. Her mind went blank. Without thinking, she lunged at
the man, knocking him down, her blood was boiling. She thought about her poor dad, but at least she had the
monster’s life in her hand.
It was you, wasn’t it? You reported my dad!” she cried.
Who are you? Why are you doing this?” he screamed back.