The 3 (4) walked out in their strongest shoes-sandals. They walked towards the gold mine where the
diamond was kept. They stood outside staring into the entrance of the mine. It was bright with sunlight for a few
meters in, but then it was just pure darkness. They were all scared. An Lang nudged Qing Long in. Qing Long
stumbled into the cave and fell over onto the stony floor. When at that moment, Mi Mi came crawling out of the
The whole family gasped in astonishment. They watched as Mi Mi bravely walked into the cave and all
started sweating when she disappeared into the darkness. An Lang who was the closest to his sister ran in after
her in tears. His brother and father ran in after them. Then. once they were in the darkness, Chang saw the light
glowing. It was the Diamond. They walked slowly towards the diamond when suddenly a great flame came up
from the ground. Chang jumped back quickly. Baby Mi Mi ran up and rolled around the flame, then ducked
under flying blades as she they swiped her hair.
Mi Mi had made it across in one piece. She was right beside the safe which was thought to be holding the
diamond. She rattled the safe, then she looked up. The rest of the family did the same and looked up. Chang
knew exactly where they were. They were in the great wall that he had built just days before.
You are probably wondering why exactly they are in the cave. Well, turns out Qin Shi Huang had
ordered Chang to build the wall to protect this precious diamonds from their enemies. So what did Chang do?
Chang knew this obstacle course. After all, he had built it. He grabbed the cloak which he had left at the
side of the cave days before. He used it to wipe the rocks that surrounded him. There it was, the keypad which
was used to open the safe. MiMi grabbed the diamond and ran back. At this point, Chang was furious with the
emperor for putting him through this, he decided to keep the diamond.
The next morning, Chang walked to the emperor. He ripped off his uniform and threw on the floor in
front of the emperor. The emperor stared in astonishment and ordered for Chang to give him the diamond. At
this point, their rivals were coming already. The wall was missing one brick still. Qin Shi Huang, frantically
handed Chang the last brick and told him to finish the wall. Chang refused and walked away leaving Qin Shi
Huang all alone. The emperor ran out side and tried to glue the last brick on with the dried cement.
The enemies ended up breaking the wall, and leaving the palace in a mess. 10,000 men spent another
years rebuilding the wall, but this time with all the bricks.
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