Prophecy of Doom
Kwan Ting Lam, Group 3: Fiction, St. Mark's School (Secondary)
omeone predicted that The Great Wall would be built and it happened .Somebody knew that the Giant
Wall could protect China, it worked. It was Athena who said that.
Somebody foresaw that the Great Wall would collapse one day. It may happen, we don’t know.
However, the one who announced it was Zeus, the most powerful god Greek Gods. And he had the support from
Apollo, God of Prophecy. The Gods and Goddesses were surprised when they heard this but they said nothing,
neither in agreement nor opposition, except one, Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. There was nothing
Aphrodite could do because it was not her business. However, Just as Zeus was leaving the meeting room,
Aphrodite stopped him. Although frightened, she could not just stand by and do nothing.
She had seen how the Great Wall was built and how many people had worked hard on it. Some had even
paid the highest price, their lives. Though the people were commanded by Qin Shi Huang, they dedicated their
blood and sweat for it. During the building process, Aphrodite had seen many separation which were lengthy or
forever. The most broken-hearted were the wives who didn’t know if their husbands would ever return and kept
waiting and waiting. Aphrodite was not just responsible for love and beauty; she also took care of all human
relationships and could not bear to have them suffer.
Zeus, I oppose this prophecy. We shouldn’t let the Great Wall fall down suddenly, just because it is
weathered or because of war,” Aphrodite said firmly even though she felt scared inside. She continued. "Do you
remember how many people sacrificed themselves when they were constructing the Great Wall? If we let it
crumble without any notice, many people will die. Besides, it is very unjust as millions of peoples’ efforts will
have been in vain. Therefore, I can't accept this prophecy.”
Zeus shocked by Aphrodite at the beginning, but then sighed, and said softly, "Aphrodite, I understand
that you are caring, nonetheless, we can’t change the future just because of your feelings for humans. Yes, we
need to consider about them. Nevertheless, nothing can be done if we place too much importance on it so just
accept it,” Zeus put his hand on her shoulder and patted her fondly.
No, I can’t,” Aphrodite whispered but Zeus heard her clearly. “I will not obey the forecast this time. I
will change it.' The anger surprised Zeus, Aphrodite stretched her wings and flew up high and then dove to the
human world.
Will it be alright?” Poseidon frowned and asked.
Zeus smiled and replied, "It’s okay. Just let her try. This passion may change the future. It will be a splendid
Aphrodite reached China one hour later. She was startled to find Hera, the goddess of marriage and family,
already there.” I have been waiting for you for almost two hours! Just leave the heaven next time if you are not
satisfied with the prediction. Apollo is not always right and there is no need to argue and report to Zeus .He will