The man remembered the day when he and his sister were begging on the road when a group of police
officers approached them. He and his sister gathered their belongings and started to run for it. The more they ran
the closer the officers got. The officers were nearly upon them. He and his sister kept running, never letting go
of each other. Then suddenly his sister fell. He looked over to the ground and saw this big rock which she had
tripped over. The officers caught hold of her. “Go” she had told
him, “Run for it.” He saw one of
the officer’s eyes on him. He ran before the officer could catch up with him. Luckily he found a hiding place
away from the officers.
Till that day he kept on searching for his sister. Each and every prison he went to in hope of finding her.
After that day he never saw her again. One day he went to a town prison. The police officer told him that she
had died of depression. From that day onwards he never spoke to anyone again. He hated people and felt that
every person was the reason that his sister had died. The man wished she were still alive. “Enough” he told
himself “No need to dwell in the past”.
The task was to be done at a certain time. He looked at his watch. It was nearly time. There were 5
more minutes to go. He hated to know that it was nearly time. He was now more afraid. Why does time come
faster on its wheels when you are dreading it?
The man took a deep breath and looked around the Great Wall. The view was breath taking but he was
not looking at the view. Far away he saw two officers standing at a watchtower. One of the officers was staring
at him.
Why was the officer staring at him, the man wondered. He decided that he would ignore the officer so
he turned back to observe the graffiti on the walls. He looked at his watch again; there was only one more
minute left.
Suddenly by instinct the man looked at the officers. One of the officers was saying something to the
other and then both the officers started pushing through the crowd trying to come closer to him.
The man started zipping open his jacket but somehow it had got stuck. He kept looking back at the
officers. Both officers were clutching a gun and they were trying to get through the crowd. The man kept on
tugging on the zip but it was still stuck. The officers were almost upon him and then suddenly the zip gave away.
The man’s hand moved fast on his belt and he pressed a button. BOOM! Billions of stone and bodies flew
everywhere…a bomb had exploded on the Great Wall of China.
* * *