The Waiting Room of Hell
Presley Moh
he Great Wall is in ruins and its all because of me.
m, Group 3: Fiction, Korean International School
Well let me tell you about myself, my name is Jonathon Tell, but you can just call me Jim. I’m
teen and in middle-school. I just went to China for our School Trip.
I didn’t want to come to China but my mother forced me to come. She said it would be a cool
enture for me and I will learn more new things there than just participating on the Local Trip. Well,
at least I have my best-friend here to keep me company. He’s called Jack, he’s the same age as me and likes the
same things as I do. He looks way more handsome though. He’s like my only friend out of the fifteen people
coming on this trip.
Here I was hiking up the Great Wall with the other students and our teacher Miss Forte, who is very nice
and funny. We also have a Chinese Trip guide who I don’t even remember his name. He goes on and on about
stories of “The Great Wall” but he presents them in such a lame way. He can take a classic legend and still ruin
it! I keep walking up this long wall, finally stopping at the look-out tower for a break.
This trip is so boring, we don’t play any games and the only thing we do here is walk around hills and
ancient Chinese towns!” I complained.
Yeah and I miss my mom and dad.” said Jack sadly.
Jack was kind of down right now. His younger brother died a few months ago so his mother sent him on
this trip to take his mind off things.
Oh, I do too!” I replied to him a bit more quietly.
We sat there in awkward silence until we started to walk again. We were now at the part where the Great
Wall is more run down and had never been rebuilt. Its yellowish concrete gave me the creeps. There was a
huge gap along the footpath of the wall.
Do we have to jump this giant gap?” I exclaimed.
Yes we do actually,” said the guide unsurprised “don’t fall into the gap as there is no end to the fall.”
I gulped as the gap suddenly looked ten times wider. It was at least two meters long. I looked at Miss Forte
but she looked ready to jump.
People started to jump. They all made it, even the girls! Great! I’m up next.
Ok, you can do this,” I whispered to myself.
I started with a run and jumped. “I’m so close now! I’ll get there.” I feel my leg being hooked by a vine
and then I started to fall down into darkness. Then I heard another person falling behind me. He was screaming
his head off but I barely heard him because I was screaming for dear life too! It felt like hours before I finally
hit a soft gooey floor and then another thud for the boy screaming behind me.
It was dark but I could make out the face of the other person. It was Jack!
Oww! That felt weird,” my friend moaned.
Why did you fall? Was it because you got tripped up by the vine too?” I asked.
Then how did you fall?”
I jumped down here to stick with you. I already lost my brother and I don’t want to lose you too.”
I don’t think he saw my tears flowing down my face in the dark because he just stood up and walked around.
I stood up after I pulled myself together and I went towards him. Then I noticed a door.
Where does that go to?” I asked.
I don’t know, but I’m going in.” he said
Don’t! You may hurt yourself!”
I might hurt myself right now, so it doesn’t matter! I’m going in!”
He gripped the gold handle and pushed the oak door. Inside there were many people and they seem to glow
a little bit but I am not sure because the room was also very lit up.
Who are these people?” asked Jack. “And why are they glowing!”
Oh so you think they are glowing too!”
We walked along the room and we saw a man on tall podium. He looked very old and grumpy.
And how did you die?” the man asked with a deep tone.
Me..I’m not dead,” I said pinching myself.