blade, feet picked their way around them through the burning lungs, through the screaming muscles, through the
cold air bringing the stench of blood, reminding her of home.
The outline of the cave became visible and she was through the curtains, still running through the
tunnel and stopped before the Gate. Her fist banging on them when suddenly her father's voice filled her mind.
Where shall the mortals be, there you should be. You had betrayed me and you betrayed yourself,
there'll be no second chances. Banished from both worlds, you shall be a Wanderer like your mother, a lost soul
without home. Be gone, may the eternity of solitary teach you a lesson."
Suddenly the tunnel glowed with red and she was weightless, floating away from the Gate, away from
the cave, away from the forest toward the Great Wall where she roamed, wailing for him to come
back. Every full moon, the legend has it that she would appear and lure them whom she hate toward the blackest
pit of Hell.
* * *