special power she inherited from her father, and that was to control the five elements. Heaven and hell were
plunged into battle, and Alice knew exactly what to do.
On the day of the battle, Alice stood on top of the Great Wall of China. She would avenge her father.
Jack was taught how to wield a spear, and he seemed quite happy about it. Heaven had the advantage of being
on top rather than the bottom. Alice watched Hell’s warriors run up the Great Wall, most of them out of breath
already. Alice felt the power starting to boil within her. She let out her first shot of fire. It managed to destroy
nearly half the warriors. Then, she made the earth beneath her rumble. There was also no mistaking the crack of
lightning. Suddenly, the earth start to split apart, and all of hell’s warriors fell into the earth. The Great Wall was
split apart, and those who made it to the top were slaughtered by Heaven’s warriors. Heaven gave a triumphant
battle cry. They had won.
Using her power, Alice had managed to use wind to take her and Jack back to Scotland. When they had
reached ground, Jack literally yelped with delight. “Remind me never to fly with you ever again.” He said,
remembering the storms they encountered. They still had a few hours before their parents reached home, so they
rushed back. This was something Alice or Jack would ever forget, so Alice would always secretly play with the
elements, while Jack still practiced with the spear. They were going to have much more adventures before them,
but now, they were going back home.
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