Crack of the Great Wall
Angela Tsui, G
lice, a Chinese girl that was an orphan, then adopted by a Scottish family, was up in her bed reading a
book on a Saturday night. She was adopted since she was an infant, so she remembered nothing from
China. Feeling a bit sleepy, she switched off the light and fell asleep. Now, if she simply hadn’t fell
asleep, then this story would not exist, and her life would go on without interruption. Unfortunately, she did fall
asleep, and her dream was the beginning of a long and dangerous adventure…
roup 3: Fiction, King George V School
A man with a scar running down his right cheek smiled cruelly at Alice. He looked Chinese and evil
too, considering that he was strangling Alice. She tried to talk, but it was like her tongue was glued down. The
man chuckled lightly. ‘So you are what I am looking for…’ he whispered, running his fingernail down her
cheek. ‘Tell you what, come to China. I sent you everything you need. If not, I might make it slightly harder for
you. Not that there is anything wrong with that… I’m only giving you a chance, my dear Alice. Now tell me,’ he
said, releasing his grip on her. ‘Will you come to China?’ She stared at him with incredulity. Was this man mad
or crazy? Either way, he obviously got the wrong person.
No, I’m afraid I can’t come to China’, she said in fluent Chinese. She watched as the man’s face
harden then smile maniacally. ‘I’m afraid that’s the wrong choice. Just remember this. I am Wutong, a god.
What chance do you think you have against me?’ he faded into smoke, his eyes the only remnants in this dream.
Alice woke up with a sudden jolt. She ran down to the mailbox as fast as she could, and dug everything
out. When she opened one of the new parcels, there were two airplane tickets, heading for China.
When Alice decided to tell Jack, her foster brother, about her dream and the tickets, Jack actually
believed her. Jack was always very, very adventurous. Their foster parents had gone on vacation to India, so this
meant they could go alone. ‘So, we’re doing this, are we? Going to China?’ asked Jack when they took enough
money from their parent’s safe to take a taxi to the Scottish airport. Alice looked at him for a moment. Then,
replied ‘Yes. I suppose we are going to China.’
They were now in China. “Well, we’re here. What now?” Jack asked with a hint of worriedness. Alice
though, was only half listening. Her eyes were on a man whose eyes were piercing into her own. Then, he
seemed to be walking towards her. Alice nudged Jack, who by now also seemed to notice him. When he was
close, the man spoke in the gravest tone you could imagine. “Master Wutong wants you to come to the Great
Wall of China tomorrow. You know what happens if you disobey.” gesturing to Jack. Before Alice could reply,
he walked away. Strange thing is, it was almost as if he floated away.
The next day, Jack and Alice made their way to the Great Wall. It was immensely crowded, and Alice
had to ask fifteen people for directions. When they finally made their way to the top, Alice and Jack nearly
jumped out of their skin, finding the messenger form yesterday staring at them. He smiled, just like Wutong
form the dream. “You came. Not a surprise, though. I’d hate to think what would have happened to that boy.”