New Tales of the Great Wall
Ray Liu Zirui, Gr
any years ago, a treasure was stolen from the galaxy of cyber space by an evil villain. He hid it in a
special location on earth, where later the first emperor of China (Qin Shi Huang) built the Great
oup 5: Fiction, HKBUAS
Many years have passed. The aliens who inhabited cyber space need the treasure back.
y soon found out that the treasure is buried on earth. Now there is only one problem to get the
treasure back—the Great Wall is in their way. They want to destroy the Great Wall to get their treasure back as
soon as possible.
The startling news woke up the ancient Chinese souls who loved Great Wall. There were Qin Shi
Huang, the designer of the Great Wall, and many generals who had fought on the wall against the invaders.
These famous generals included Meng Tian, Yue Fei, Yang family warriors, and many others. They knew the
Great Wall very well and thought China would not survive without it. They met at one corner of the Greta Wall.
Emperor Qin addressed everyone in the crowd: “We have an important matter to discuss here! The Great Wall is
threatened by aliens. How can we stop them?” Everyone in the crowd shouts: “Burn their ships down!” “Chop
them to pieces!” “You are crazy, we can never stop them!” Then YueFei had a brilliant idea: “Why don’t we
wake up the clay army using Qin Shi Huang’s powers?” Qin Shi Huang frowned and said: “I have lost all my
powers many years ago! We can’t stop the aliens alone!” Then Meng Tian, who had been quiet from the
beginning, interrupted: “The alien army overpowers us. We don’t stand a chance if there is a war. Your Majesty,
why don’t we whisper in dreams to these mortals who love history, and make ally with them. They can help us
to stop the aliens.” Emperor Qin was very pleased: “What a spectacular idea you have! We will do this…..”
I had a strange dream last night. Someone was whispering in my ear: “Aliens are going to destroy the
Great Wall…” Then I saw a weird vision—a big spaceship shaped like a fish was approaching the spot, where
the Great Wall was built. With a big gun pointing to the center of the Great Wall, the spaceship zoomed in faster
and faster. The whispering was suddenly back: “Find friends and work together to stop the aliens!”
I woke up with a start and realized that the fate of the Great Wall now rests in a few human’s hands.
Before I started planning to save the Great Wall, I read a history book and found an important piece of
information. In 1799, as the author described, there was a crazy fortune-teller, who created a sphere and kept
muttering about some aliens and the Great Wall. I stuck my nose deeper into the book and learnt the sphere was
a clue to the protection of the Great Wall. I also learnt that the sphere was buried in the fortune-teller’s tomb,
and the tomb is in Hong Kong. What luck!
Then I thought about whom to find to work with me—these people must be loving history and the
Great Wall. Very quickly, I decided Haike and Steven are the ones. I went to their houses one by one, and
found out that they both had the same dream as me. I told them all about the information, and we set off to
where the tomb was based.
When we arrived at the tomb, there was a riddle:
There is a beast that breathes flame.
He cannot be tamed.
Enter if you dare,
And you’d receive a scare.
Haike guessed: “Is it a drakon, ancient Greek monster?” I said: “You gave me an idea! Maybe it is a
dragon!” Once the answer was said, the stone rumbled beneath our feet, revealing a secret trap door. We stepped
into the darkness below. Immediately we heard a low rumbling noise—the sound of a dragon waking. Two
yellow eyes stuck out from the darkness. Then an entire dragon head began to unravel. Hissing, the dragon
stormed into the carven. Steven quickly pulled out a toy MG-42 machine gun with a laser light. He aimed it at
the dragon’s eyes. The shot quickly blinded the dragon. I suddenly noticed a gold sword hanging from the
corner. I picked it up and stabbed it into the dragon.
We quickly ran from the carven, until we reached another room. We looked around and saw the sphere
lying on a cushion beside the coffin. We picked up the sphere and saw the words: OPEN ME. I tried my gold
sword, and broke it in halves. In one half, I found a piece of crumpled paper. I picked it up and unrolled it. A
jumble of words was written in a code on it. I couldn’t understand so I tossed it to Haike, and said: “Do you
know how to decode this?” Haike said: “I do! It is a prophecy! It says,
The Great Wall,
Stands broad and tall.