You would have." John said, very sure of his induction.
What makes you think so?" Chris challenged.
First of all, when you grabbed my sister a while ago, your hand was actually shaking. Secondly, you
listened and thought about what I suggested every time we had a clue. and lastly, you smiled at my sister saying
thanks after she said you were amazing. You aren't one of them, are you?" John said. Marley stared at John, and
then at his uncle, waiting for an answer.
Nonsense." he mumbled.
Look at me!" John shouted.
Chris jumped and looked at John and sighed, "I was forced to. Now listen to me. I cannot quit the
Black Organization. It's part of my life now, and you can't change that." he turned to the hole, found a rope
ladder, and started climbing down.
My dad's your brother, and you can't change that," John said.
Chris stopped climbing, and changed the topic instead "Come on in! Don't waste my time!" he snapped.
They climbed into the hole, and finally felt the floor. Chris got his torch out, Marley and John did the
same. "You don't need to take the torches out," a voice emerged from the darkness, and suddenly more than
ten torches shone towards the three.
Boss?" Chris whimpered.
Well, well, well, what have we got here? A traitor?" the boss said.
No boss, I was trying to help the organization, I thought it would be easier contacting the children!"
Fool! We figured out this way before you three did!" and he laughed.
Why didn't you tell me?" Chris asked.
Did I need to?" he questioned. Chris' face turned red.
Wait!" Marley said. "But where are the treasure?" the Black Organization stayed silent. "Guess all of
us don't know yet?" Marley asked.
Guess so," the boss sighed.
Why don't we work together? Chris and us worked pretty well together just now!" Marley said.
We don't need you children's help. Your parents are useless, no wonder their kids are too." the boss
replied. "But if it weren't for them, I couldn't have gotten here," Chris admitted.
Fine. if you two figure out how to get closer to the treasure, we will let you in." the boss challenged.
John nodded. He started flashing his torch around the chamber. He noticed that there were some
paintings and Chinese characters on the walls, and he started to study them. Then he noticed something wrong.
Guys, the Leaning tower of Pisa is suppose to LEAN, right?"
DUH! Of course kid!" the boss said, and rolled his eyes.
Then why is the Tower of Pisa here... Straight...?" John asked, as he reached for the Leaning Tower of
Pisa and rotated it. Suddenly, the whole chamber started to shake, and the wall behind them started to move
sideways, revealing a passage way. Chris, Marley and the boss looked at John, impressed.
John grinned, and held out his hand to the boss, "My name is John, here's my sister Marley. I hope you
kept your promise about working together."
The boss took his hand and shook it, "I'm a bad guy, but I never break promises. My name is William."
Then he turned to Chris and said, "I'll deal with you later."
They walked into the passageway. Not long afterwards, they came to a stop of two separate paths.
Which one should we take?" Marley asked.
Well, I guess we'll have to make use of your laptop, uncle" John pointed at some Chinese words. After
a while, Chris said, "The Chinese characters mean Wise men would choose the path on the right."
So... It's telling us to take the right way?" Marley asked.
No, I think that's too easy," Chris said.
I know! We should take the path on the left!" the boss said.
Why?" John asked.
Well... It's because we have to be wise right? So... Shouldn't we obey the words?" They all agreed and
went to the path on the left.
Not long afterwards, they finally saw the treasure. Gold and silver were placed all around the hall. All
of them were amazed.
Guess you guys were right about working together," William said. "We couldn't have done it without
you kids. I totally underestimated you guys, I'm sorry."
It's okay, that's the whole point of treasure hunts! Meeting new friends, having fun, and teamwork,"
Marley said.