I smile with tears welling up in my eyes. ‘I know.’
I’m not sure if I’m agreeing with his statement, or understanding that this is our last conversation. I watch
them pass through the gate of the museum and return to their original place like every other night we’ve spent
together. I wave to them, knowing that their souls are drifting away with every move of my hand. Tears begin to
roll down my cheeks, and my vision blurs.
I cry till I see nothing. I wave till I know they are gone for sure. I smile because I know they will always
live on in my heart.
Goodbye!’I mouth.
A few days later, the rebuilding of the Great Wall is all over the news. A debate continues on the sudden
revamp of the Great Wall and the vibrant graphics on the wall. Even though I’m not sure if the soldiers know,
but I believe their souls can finally rest in peace. After all these things, I can finally prove my dad wrong. As an
archaeologist, we know perfectly that history cannot be rewritten, yet, when you stay true to yourself, no matter
what occupation you have, you can always engrave a new page of history that shocks the world and completes a
novel that belongs to you.
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