I hope he does…’ answered Boqin hopefully. The older Boqin bent down and hugged the child and
shook his head sadly, saying nothing.
After he blinked, the blanket was rolled up and no one was sleeping on the mattress. Boqin swung
around and he found himself staring at a well-known 19 year-old man who was talking to a general.
Are you quite sure that you don’t want to start a new life in a nearby village? We’ll provide a house,
money and the other necessities you require… Life can be dull here,’ grunted the general.
The young Boqin answered firmly and clearly, ‘Yes, General Situ, I do not wish to leave the Great
Wall. For it is like a mother to me! I was born here… and I shall die here!’
But, you will be better provided for, have lots of friends and live peacefully…’ General Situ went on
in vain.
Thank you, General, but that is not needed,’ the young Boqin answered, patiently, ‘as I am already
very well provided for, have lots of friends here and I live in peace - if the enemy attack us or an earthquake
comes, I just need to hide in my cupboard, all made comfortable with cushions and blankets, and wait for
Jianguo, Huojin or Longwei to fetch me.’
The General smiled and both rose and bowed to each other. The older Boqin looked affectionately at
the General and whispered into his ear, ‘Thank you!’
The scene changed, and Boqin heard the shouts and cries of men from beyond the beacon tower. He
glanced round sharply and to his relief, a middle-aged Boqin was climbing into the cupboard, his hiding-place.
From outside, earthquakes, which were common during that time was shifting the scenery. Men were getting to
their knees, looking up and praying to Heaven. The young Boqin scrambled into the cupboard and shut it with a
Then, there was silence and blackness. Boqin heard distant voices whispering, which gradually turned
into normal conversational tone. A definitely older Boqin, with faint wrinkles appearing on his brow, around his
eyes and on his cheeks, was showing several young men around the Great Wall – for that was his job every now
and again.
So, as you can see from here, this side of the Great Wall is pointing towards Manchuria, the other
side, our beloved China,’ announced Boqin, rather proudly. There were gasps of astonishment as the young
recruits saw the magnificent scenery that surrounded them, followed closely by the older and invisible Boqin.
And here, is where you sleep.’ gestured Boqin to the recruits. The men all laid what little possessions
they brought along, and sat down on the mattresses assigned to them. Boqin walked slowly to the door, ‘now,
make yourself at home and wait for the lunch gong, that’s the sign for you to patrol the Great Wall, as well as
getting to know the others also doing that shift.’ he looked back, smiling paternally.
Then, Boqin heard a hiccup and the room lightened to a soft light. An old-ish Boqin was having some
wine with three other soldiers. Boqin sat down cross-legged, red cheeked, sipping his wine, whilst another
soldier was babbling excitedly.
And he was like, Oh! Gosh! Let’s cancel the New Year’s fireworks, I’ve got a cold! Atchoo! Tell
that awful cook to pack his bags and go home; I never did like that brute! There will be no Dragon boat Festival
this year, sorry! Go away all of you! Leave me to sulk in peace! , Haha! Good on ya, Hongxi! I bet you’re
skinny as a stick, hungrier than a wolf and rotting in hell!’
All the others were laughing, including the old Boqin, until their sides hurt. Then they stopped, stared
at each other and started hooting with laughter again.
Isn’t that something?!’ called out the younger Boqin. He was still shaking with laughter.
Then, they continued to insult and mock the late Emperor Hongxi with great gusto until it became
very late – then, the younger Boqin bade them go back to their beacon towers.
Boqin was still laughing from the jokes, until he found himself, looking in horror, at his younger self,
lying on the ground paralysed. The doctor was called for, and many soldiers stood outside, waiting for the
verdict. It was a stroke. The soldiers looked at one another, not understanding, but after the doctor explained,
they all looked glumly at the ground. So, the men casted lots, to see who would take care of the old man and
prevent accidents from occurring in future, and the lot fell on Liko. The older Boqin looked gratefully at Liko
and smiled warmly at him.
Suddenly, two beings appeared, one in white, the other in black, they stood there, waiting for him to
follow them. ‘Oh, no! These are the gods that take me to hell!’ thought Boqin, ‘I’m too young to die!’ But they
grabbed him nevertheless and dragged him downwards, into swirling nothingness…
After Liko woke up and prepared the daily chicken soup, he glanced behind him, confused as Boqin
usually woke up to the smell of delicious chicken soup. But Boqin lay there, his face as pale and white as his