the flame, I saw the pride and affection in his eyes. The girl’s Ba.
With a lilt in his steps, he pattered to the bedside. Gently pulling the covers, he tucked in the girl and
smoothed her hair. A hint of smile appeared on his face as Ziyang rolled over with a sigh.
Ba walked over to the desk and rummaged until he found a blank scrap of paper. With jerky movements,
he scribbled and slipped the scrap into one of her textbooks. Giving one last glance to the girl, he tottered out to
the main room.
Tomorrow the girl’s Ba would go into town to sell goods. The money earned would be saved for
university fees.
I kept a sacred vigil, watching over the resting girl.
The last drops of oil burned away, yet a faint glow still remained outside. Leaning precariously over the
edge of the chair while juggling the weight of the books I held, I saw Ba hunched over something brown. A
block of wood.
That man stooped over a wooden block, with long, thin, and nimble fingers turning the piece this way and
that. Another hand held a flint, chipping away with speed and accuracy.
On the table, I noticed an ensemble just made in the few hours that passed. An international chess set.
Even in the dim light, I could distinguish the pearly white pieces in contrast with the chestnut brown. The
borders of the chessboard had intricate twists that matched vines and leaves. Among the stems, I recognized the
scattered heads of flowers. Like my own.
The one Ba was shaping, became the all powerful queen, standing majestically. Hands polished, until the
smooth surface of the queen glimmered in faint light. I stayed in my position, watching him work. Counting the
sweat drops that slid from his brow. His arms glistened.
It was a gradual finish.
He counted that he would sell on the morrow. As he estimated the amount he would earn, the number
crawled its way over the goal. I witnessed his breathy laugh, his lips cracking into a blinding and relieved grin.
With care and gentleness, he wrapped the wooden chess set, and nestled it among his other packages.
The young girl sleeping in this room had no idea how much effort her Ba put in, for her to reach her
dreams. She remains ignorant.
Ziyang took me with her, two towns over, where the exams were. I was proud of her, and I was sure her
ba would be if he saw her.
For one week, my owner fought with silence, not one peep of complaint escaped her lips as she studied.
Her form, exuded every single traditional teachings of the Mei’s, each instilled by her father.
I did my duty, being a source of familiarity in a strange environment. I stayed with her in lieu of her father,
but her father’s presence was felt, as on the second last day, a scrap of paper floated to the ground.
Grit your teeth and fight the challenges. Bear the strain. Become the true Mei”
Something was amiss, when we returned. I could feel the difference in my cloth. Ziyang became tense and
slightly nervous; her hands clutched my handles tightly. With trepidation, we walked through the gate.
The village head met us. Hi face was somber.
Ba?” Ziyang hesitantly asked.
The village head nodded.
There was an accident a few days after you left.”
Oh! Why didn’t he tell me? And I was away?” She cried hysterically, her hands trembling.
Yesterday, he fell into one of the ditches in the fields-“
Ziyang gasped.
Brother Sun found him and brought him to the hospital in town. But couldn’t understand what the doctor
said. Something about a weak ankle. Ah, and that treatment would cost money.” The village head informed
Why didn’t I know this? Why? Chief?” Her voice teemed with worry.
The Chief sighed and shook his head.
Your Ba is very stubborn and loves you very much. He wanted you to achieve your dreams, so he did not
tell you of his ailments, least they hinder you.”
Ziyang nodded thoughtfully. “I’m going to catch the train at six.” She turned away quickly and ran to the
station, which was a two hour walking distance from the village.
Be safe!” The Chief called out.
Ziyang was panting, as she entered the hospital, having run from the town station to the hospital.
I’m finding my Ba. He is Mei Pang.” She said upon reaching the counter.
The nurse scrutinized her before giving directions, “He’s in room 103. The doctor is with him at the