Great Wall of China
Rachel Hung, Group 3: Fiction, West Island School
nce upon a time there was a girl called Emily and she had a brother called Abraham. They lived in
china and they had lots of adventures together. This story is about another one of their adventure.
Abraham wanted to give Emily an emerald for her birthday and he has been looking for one
for months, but he did not want any old emerald he wanted the great emerald of China. People say
that it is hidden deep in the Great Wall of China. Meany people have tried to find it but most have
either come back with nothing or died trying.
Emily always said that she wanted to go to the Great Wall of China. On her birthday Abraham brought
her to the Great Wall of China. “I love it I could not think of anything better” said Emily with glee. They walked
on the wall and when they reached a stair case they went down. Half way down Emily asked where they were
going. Abraham said “it is a surprise”.
When they got to the bottom, they were both speechless. Because there was a 10m dragon right in front
of them. The dragon breathed on them. Emily and Abraham were still as rocks. ”Hello my name is Jacob and
you are my lunch” said the dragon with a grin.
When the dragon said Jacob a memory came back to Emily. Because she knew that she heard that
voice and that name before. And when she looked at Jacob in the eyes she had a flash back. Of someone looking
her in the eyes when she was a baby. And she knew that she had a long lost brother. When she came too she
quickly hugged the dragon. When Jacob looked at them he was hugging them both.
And he explained how he became a dragon. He was looking for the gem too a few years ago, but when
he found it, the gem turned him into a dragon. And he guarded the gem sins then.
The only problem is that I don’t know how to turn back into a human” said Jacob. Then Emily said
with no hesitation “I read about the gem of china. That there is a curse on it and the only way to break is to….
Learn how to surf. Very unusual, but we can at least try it”.
minites later, they were at the beach. “Do I really have to do this?” said Jacob. It took him all day
and he still didn’t get it. The next day Abraham brought one of his friends to help Jacob out. After 12 hours he
could surf. And another 5 hours went passed and he was very good at it. And when he did a spin there was a big
light. And 10 seconds later he was a 15 year old boy. Everyone was so happy.
When they got back to the wall of china they went back down in to the wall. And saw that someone
else had taken the gem and was on their way out. They chased them all around the Great Wall of China. They
were pushing and punching. But the man that took the gem was wearing a mask so you couldn’t tell what he
looked like.
But the only thing that was troubling Abraham was that they man with the gem didn’t change in to a
dragon. And he guessed that the whole curse was broken when Jacob turned into a human.
When Jacob jumped on the man they took the mask off and saw that the man was the person that built
the wall in the first place. He built the wall so he could live in it. And the gem was a gift from his mother. And
for some reason everybody wanted it. So he put a curse on it. But in the end he just took the gem so everyone
will stop trying to tack it.
So there was never any rear treasure it was basically nothing” said Abraham. “It’s not nothing we
found a long lost brother. And love is the best thing of all” said Emily Happily.
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