Roman: You’re going to pay everything.
Me: But the seven people…
Mary: You did it on purpose, didn’t you Mr Gray? To throw the Chinese people off guard when the real
thief comes. These Chinese people, they’re the protectors of the treasure and they’ll kill when they need to. I bet
those harmless seven people are all dead by now, killed brutally by the Chinese.
Me: You monster! I’m a FBI agent. I’m going to take you back to custody.
Roman: (Cold laugh) Look who’s behind you.
Me: Morgan!
Morgan: Jolie…
Roman: Mr Morgan here has offered me great assistance. In fact it was he who brought you here to me.
Me: You’re with him all the time?
Morgan: I…
Mary: Do you remember me, Morgan?
Morgan: Shawn! My dear old friend.
Mary: I knew all along that Daniel’s death has something to do with you.
Me: My dad? How?
Mary: Morgan fell in love with your mother, Jolie. In the end, it was all about jealousy. My guess is that
he deliberately told your father to join the same tour with Freeman, so your father, who was a meticulous man,
would find out about Freeman’s plan and then get killed.
Me: I don’t believe you. Morgan, tell him that you didn’t do that.
Mary: Here is a photo of your parents. Take it.
Thundering footsteps)
Male voice: Ru Qin Zhe! Sha Le Ta Men! (Intruders! Kill them!)
Me: Morgan, please…
The recording ends)
I couldn’t move. I was too stunned.
Emily came over and hugged me. Then, she gave me a photo. ‘These are your parents. You’ve been
clutching this photo when they found you.’ I stared at the photo and saw that my parents were exactly what I
had always pictured them. The photo that Morgan had given me when I was thirteen was a fake. Everything
about him was a lie. I couldn’t take it anymore. I burst into tears.
Later, I asked Emily about whether the others were alive. ‘No,’ she said. ‘You were the only one.’
Suddenly Morgan’s words rang in my ears, ‘To crack a case, you must first master the mind of a culprit.’ And I
failed to do so. I even failed to truly understand the person who has once been my father, mentor and friend.
* * *