of wind forcing them to. The gust of wind sent by me, as I realized that Jin Mei’s death would bring the release I
had so longed for.
Time seemed to slow as I watched them plunge, as one, to the ground. As they fell, I saw everything
with perfect clarity; the tears streaking down Jin Mei’s cheeks as she hugged her love’s head closer to her down,
the remorse on Tze Long’s face as he realized he had been wrong about Jin Mei’s doubt. So many expressions
appeared on the two lovers’ faces as they faced death together.
It was Tze Long’s last sentence to Jin Mei though, that broke my heart. A whisper that they would be
together forever, that whether he went to Heaven or Hell did not matter as long as he was with her.
An instant later they hit the ground, sending gravel flying in every direction. I saw Jin Mei’s ghost float out of
her body, her confusion when she saw Tze Long wasn’t with her. Then she saw me.
You!” Her face filled with hatred as she flew up to me. “You killed Tze Long!”
I knew I should be filled with remorse, or at least guilt, from my actions, but I could not. A lightness
began to lift me up, and I knew without a sliver of doubt that I would see my dear Qi Liang soon. “Believe it or
not, I did it for you, Jin Mei.”
You did it for me?” Jin Mei would have spat on me if she could, that much was apparent. “If not for
you, Tze Long and I would never have quarrelled in the first place. If not for you, Tze Long would never have
tripped. If not for you, Tze Long and I would still be alive! How dare you blame it on me!”
I could say nothing to defend myself against her accusations. After all, were they not all true?
Jin Mei, I have suffered this predicament for two thousand and two hundred years, and I pray that you
will find release before long.” My voice went lower as I urged the angry girl to listen, “Listen, Jin Mei, and
listen well: the only way you will ever see Tze Long again is to kill a girl and her loved one here on the wall.
Before that, you are trapped between the living and the dead – there is no way to get out without doing what I
just said. But if it is any consolation, time will not move again for Tze Long until you have completed your task,
so when you go to Heaven, he will be as you left him.”
Jin Mei’s face was no longer angry, but rather frightened. “So you’re saying I’m trapped here until I
did…what you did?”
I could feel my body being sucked in, so I nodded vigorously, shouting, “I’m sorry for your sacrifice,
but remember: there is no other way out!”
And then I was in Heaven, reunited again with Qi Liang, and nothing else mattered.
* * *