Yuan’s Illusion
Dickson Cheng, Group 3: Fiction, Korean International School
he Great Wall of China was built in the Ming dynasty with the orders of Emperor Qin Shi Huang.
Emperor Qin Shi Huang sent his soldiers to capture every man they could see and knew existed. Yuan
was one of the workers that had been taken away by Emperor Qin Shi Huang. He was forced to help
built the Great Wall. He later died of starvation. People that were forced to work in the Great Wall were treated
unfairly and were not given enough food to eat.
Yuan woke up, finding himself in a dark crowed space with a bunch of spirits that look familiar to him.
He started looking around and realised that it was the underground of the Great Wall. He also found friends who
he could remember building the Great Wall together with. Yuan started looking around to find his son BoBo,
then it hit him, he realised that his son was not in the Great Wall with him. Yuan started to walk around under
the Great Wall; a stream of chartreuse light came beaming into the face of Yuan. Yuan started recalling the days
he was still working in the blistering heat of the sun, and the time when he was captured by the soldiers sent by
Qin Shi Huang. It was his son’s birthday; Yuan went out with his wife searching for a treat for his son BoBo.
Yuan told his wife that they are going to have bread and butter for dinner. However, Yuan’s wife who is really
good at keeping things in order and saving money for the entire family said “I don’t think we should have butter
for dinner, it is very expensive and I think we should keep it for bigger occasions.” “Don’t be silly, this is a big
occasion, BoBo can start to going to school if I earn enough money.” “The emperor have sent soldiers to catch
men, RUN!” Shouted from a distance voice. He was grabbed and taken away before he had the chance to run
and is forced to work at the Great Wall, which was before he died of starvation. Yuan’s quest was to now find
his son BoBo.
Yuan walked out of the Great Wall by sliding between the gaps that the sun has beamed into. He got
out in a glimpse of an eye; all below him are pistachio trees and endless celery green grass. He looked up and
saw the beautiful sky, the sapphire blue above his head, and the milky white clouds. He was glad that he is
walking again. Much experience yet to be discovered, many things yet to be tried. Yuan is a middle aged man
who is fearless. He started walking on the lukewarm and damp grass. As he was walking along the grass, he
could hear birds chirping swishly, the harmony of the birds stopped him from walking. Yuan stood still and
watched and listened to the birds as it chirps. Nevertheless he remembers that he needs to find his son BoBo.
Yuan started walking and walking, days after days. He had finally arrived at a place where there are people.
Yuan started walking around asking people for directions but no one seems to care. Yuan is hot under the collar
because nobody seems to be caring about him, he sat down next to an Adonis young man and started to ask
questions, but he doesn’t seem to care as well. Yuan sat there for a minute or two until someone came along and
sat on him. He is terrified. Yuan suddenly remembered that he had died; he is a spirit that is floating around. He