Grabbing Li’s sleeping body, they ventured outside and with the feeling of great satisfaction clearly
displayed on their faces, they tied him and his bodyguards up. They placed Li inside the cart, bereft of his fine
robes in only nightclothes: dignity well and truly lost.
The sounds of the guards pouring into the courtyard, excited to see the spectacle, woke Li. He looked
around anxiously at first, and then squirmed violently with a look of rage and confusion on his face.
Whats is the meaning of this? Who put me in this cart?” Li demanded fearfully.
We did, and now we’re going to let this horse go where he pleases, and you better pray it’s civilization,”
said Chang
Li’s expression turned from anger to fear. “But, how will I get food, how will I survive?”
Chang smiled with confidence “Not my problem” He then kicked the cart and the horse galloped down
the road and out of sight the guards cheering all the way.
* * *