He had to keep it a secret. My family and used this as an opportunity to come to China to earn money to support
us. I’m the person she counts on.
It’s been months since I saw my sister. We’ve been doing this for three years now, but every time I
sneak out, it feels like the first. If I get caught, I will die. I know that, but it’s for family. We plan to see each
other every four months. Tomorrow’s when I’ll get to see my sister again.
Run. Don’t stop! Just run. I’m almost there. I can’t stop now. I’ve only seen one soldier this time. I
arrive at our usual spot, next to the watchtower with a big scratch on the left corner. I allow myself to walk and
take a breath.
As the minutes pass, I grow worried. I tap my fingers impatiently against the wall. A shiver runs down
my spine. The wind blows at the trees, causing them to rustle in the silence. The darkness and the sounds scare
me. I can’t stay here for too long. They might come. I run further than I normally would, I have to find her.
As I progress forward, I see a group of soldiers clustered together. I don’t go too close. Even if I did,
they wouldn’t notice me, they’re all too distracted, but I can’t take my chances. They’re all hovering over
something. One of them gives orders to them. I can tell he’s the one in charge; he has that powerful aura that I
can sense. He’s taller than the rest, his voice is low, almost intimidating. I tilt my head and move slightly to the
right so that the wall is still covering most of me. I make my movements minimal and slow so I don’t attract any
unwanted attention. As the others begin following orders, they break away from the crowd they were forming,
giving me a glimpse of what they were fussing about.
I bite down on my hand. I taste blood seep through the bite. I’m not going to scream. I feel tears roll
down my cheek. No. Not her. Just not her! I let the sadness fade and let the anger replace it.
The thunderous thuds of the horse booms through the Forbidden City. As the bitter, cold wind stings my face,
a wicked smile let loose on my face. I can sense the quality of power surrounding us. There are at least a few
hundred people in this rebel army.
It’s been six months since her death. The sadness has been replaced by anger. I share my anger with the other
workers. We’ve all lost so much.
And here we are. In the heart of China-all the way from Mongolia. This is for my sister. All the time
taken to plan the rebel against China has come a long way. It didn’t take long for the workers to join me in
attacking China. They are like me, we’ve lost our family and all that we have. We will not fail. Not at this point.
They took what was mine. What meant most to me. My family. After my sister died, I made my way
back home. I recall the heavy scent of blood that polluted the room. The dead bodies that laid in front of me as if
they were specifically put there to taunt me. Now I’m going to take what they care about - their own kind.
DON’T DO THIS TO ME!” The soldier begs.
I ignore his cries and end his life. I move on, not a trace of emotion is in me. The crowd is filled with
the rebel army and soldiers, the clashes of weapons, the thuds of the horses and the battle cries. As I look
through the crowd, I see him. The man with the powerful aura. The man who killed her. I frantically charge at