New Tales of the Great Wall
Nicole Chung, Group 3: Fiction, Hong Kong International School
ad he been real or just another figment of the myths and mysteries from the Great Wall?
We’re here!” Chang’s mother exclaimed excitedly as Chang mumbled a reply. As he gazed
out of the window, he stretched out his short pale arms and long dark legs, wondering if he would
ever have his old life back. Outside the window, stood a building that looked torn and old as if it had
been built over two thousand years ago. “Isn’t it amazing, we’ll be living here for at least a year,”
Chang’s mother gushed, Chang stared at her as if she was a maniac, moving to Beijing to Hong Kong was bad
enough, but now they had to live in this antique apartment? This place probably doesn’t even have running
And this is our school library,” the principal said, Chang just nodded, listening intently to every to every
word he said, not wanting to risk getting lost, as Chang passed by the art room, some kid with a black t-shirt and
gigantic glasses smiled and waved at him. Chang smiled shyly, waving back, not noticing the other kids who
laughed and smirked at him. As Chang walked away he felt more confident. Maybe moving here wasn’t such a
bad idea, maybe he would finally know what it is like to have a friend.
It was the second day after lunch when Chang finally encountered some familiar problems. “Hey new
kid,” a gruff voice yelled. Chang slowly turned around and there he stood, probably one of the worst bullies in
his school, Jackson and his gang. Jackson was at least 6 feet tall. He had black spiky hair and hands that could
crush you in one blow. He really wasn’t the guy you would want to mess with. “Hey new kid,” Jackson repeated,
his voice getting dangerously soft. Chang just stood there, his feet glued to the ground, his breathing getting
raspy. “Run,” he thought urgently to himself. “Just pick up your stupid legs and run,” As Jackson drew nearer to
him everything suddenly sprang into action . Everyone was chanting while Jackson seemed to be getting bigger.
As Jackson curved his hands into the shape of a ball, Chang ran. “Keep going, don’t stop now!” Chang thought
desperately, ducking and dodging people, not daring to look back. As he picked up his pace, angry cries behind
him got even louder. At last he saw the sign, “Perfect Hair Dresser,” he turned into the corner behind the sign to
the deserted alleyway and dashed back home. As he got to the rusty door that led to his apartment, his trembling
hands dug into his pocket, fishing out his keys, heading inside. Inside the house, he breathed the dusty air in
relief looking around in amazement, the broken tables and wooden chairs had never looked so amazing.
Chang rushed up the stairs into his room, tears welling up in his eyes, wondering if he was ever going to be
normal. As he sat on his bedside, Chang gazed out of the window in surprise, noticing something that stood out,
it was this large, gigantic bridge that stretched out like his toy dragon at Hong Kong, the dragon his dad gave
him just before he died. As Chang’s tears finally spilled and fell on his lap, he walked down the hallway, he
knew he had to go there.
It would be so easy to just live here,” Chang thought as he gazed along the mountains and the valleys,
the rivers flowing into the big empty sea. As Chang sat on the deserted bridge, his black blue hair blew onto his
face, his eyes welling up with tears again. As he slowly stood up, he swore he saw a man with a white beard
motioning for Chang to come towards him. Chang squinted into the sunset, up the Great Wall, the image of the
Old Man once again appearing, he knew he had to go there.
Hello? Anyone here?” Chang asked almost as if he was speaking to himself, his feet scraping the rusty
surface of the Great Wall.
Maybe I am actually crazy...” he thought. He waited for a minute longer, then slowly turned around
about to leave. Suddenly a voice came from nowhere saying,
Wait,” Chang froze and slowly turned around and
the old man once again stood there. His wrinkled hands in the pockets of his black robe matching his black eyes
filled with comfort and warmth.
How did... how did you...” Chang stammered pointing his fingers back and forth. The old man just held
up his hands in silence, though his eyes danced as if he was fighting the urge to laugh.
Chang, I’ve watched you since you were a baby. The moment you opened your eyes, to the moment
your dad died. I’ve always been watching you and I will continue to do so but this might be your only chance to
see me. Chang, my boy, look up, lift your head up with pride, you are much better than these bullies and you
know it. You are an individual. You are special.” The old man smiled warmly, taking a step towards Chang and
lifted his head up until Chang met his gaze. “You have a bright future ahead of you Chang. You just have to
believe it,” and with that he suddenly vanished leaving Chang staring into the distance in wonder. Filled with a
mixture of feelings, he took a deep breath, turned around and trudged towards home.