right back.” Jack wonders what Master Shaoxi has to show him, but all of his doubts disappear when he comes
out holding Jack's prized possession - his camera. The very same camera he had forgotten on the plane!
What!?...When!?...How on earth did you find this?!” Jack exclaims as he takes the camera from Shaoxi's
outstretched hands. “I was taking my bag out of the overhead compartment when I noticed the bag in the corner”
explains Shaoxi “However, when I tried to looking for you, you were already on the flight to Beijing.” Jack
looks at him in amazement as he continues. “I was surprised when I noticed we were on the same flight again,
but as you were asleep, and you bounded off the plane so fast when we landed, I couldn't even return it!” says
Master Shaoxi. “Thank you so, so much!” cries Jack.
However, his joy doesn't last long. Suddenly, Master Shaoxi and Jack are ambushed by a group of
people dressed in black. “Black Dragon Ninjas!” exclaims Master Shaoxi. “Attack!” yell the Ninjas. Jack is
bewildered as to what was going on as he has never heard of these Black Dragon Ninjas. As one of the ninjas
tries to attack Jack, Master Shaoxi quickly defends Jack, and using his flowing monk's robe, trips and pushes off
the attacker. A ferocious fight ensues and Jack, thanks to his karate skills, is able to not only defend himself, but
also defeat some of the ninjas! But a few seconds later, everything goes black and Jack falls to the ground.The
smell of burning rosemary wakes Jack up. He's been unconscious for a while now, according to one of the
younger monks. “What happened?” asks Jack “How long was I out for?”. Master Shaoxi enters and explains
what happened. Apparently, one of the ninjas went against the Warrior Code of Honour and attacked Jack from
behind. Luckily, some monks who were returning to their rooms heard Master Shaoxi call out for help and
rushed to his aid. “Thanks to your help, Jack, our monastery has been saved by the plundering Black Dragon
Ninjas” says Shaoxi. Jack is honoured, but feels even more so when Master Shaoxi asks Jack to join their
monastery to learn Shaolin martial arts under him! “I am extremely honoured, Master Shaoxi” says Jack “But
allow me to inform my parents of this, as they will be concerned about my wellbeing.” “But of course! You
must inform them! You will be here for the rest of your days!” replies Master Shaoxi. Jack looks at him in shock,
but then “Just kidding! You will only need to be here for three months, and then you may return when you are
ready to complete your training.” says Shaoxi. “Phew! I thought you were serious about that!” replies Jack in
relief. So, after three months of Shaolin training, Jack Jacoby returns to New York, a newer, stronger and
more skilful person. He tells his parents, “The Shaolin way of life is much simpler and more fruitful than the
one we all wish to live, with technology, social lives and gossip. It has transformed me for the better!”
Thus ends the story of Jack Jacoby, physiology major turned Shaolin warrior.
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