That was an amazing life story, of course I will help you” uttered Winter Snow as tears streamed down
her face.
Thanks, I knew I could count on you” breathed Xiao Hua gently as she slowly floated away.
The next day Winter Snow dug up Xiao Xiao Hua’s burial pot and packed it carefully in her rucksack.
They walked for 1 ½ days to get to the burial place of Xiao Hua’s mother, sleeping under the stars. When they
finally arrived they looked at every single grave until they found a beautifully carved tombstone with incense
holders. The tomb looked like it had not been visited or cleaned for an extremely long time, there was mold
growing along the bottom and the top and sides of the tomb were over grown with weeds and vines.
This is where you will be buried. I will visit you every year to clean your grave and burn incense” said
Winter Snow. “Thank you dear friend for letting my soul rest in peace, before I depart forever please take this
emerald amulet for it will grant you ever lasting wishes. Make sure they are worth it.” whispered Xiao Hua who
at that very moment disappeared into thin air.
Winter Snow made her first wish, which was to have equal length legs. As soon as she finished her sentence
her dream came true. She was so intoxicated with happiness she ran all the way back to camp without even a
The last few days of camp, everyone was super nice to her. She made a lot more friends but she never
forgot her first one or her promise.
She lived happily ever after and she never used the amulet again.
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