stranger cross and started shouting hoping other soldiers would hear. A few seconds behind the scout was Gus
pretending to chase after him. Seeing David he ran towards the tower telling David to light the signal bowl
knowing that the rain from last night would mean there was no chance of it being lit. After a few wasted minutes
David started running to the nearest guard tower telling them what had happened.
Gus saw the Mongol head back into Mongolia. He had been told that all Mongols were murderers, but
this scout was different. He had saved his life twice knowing Gus was trying to hand him in. Maybe they
weren’t ruthless and merciless; maybe they were caring people no different to his fellow Chinese. He would
never know for sure, but he knew that this Mongolian scout was a good person and he would repay him
Gus had to flee now, as he would be killed for helping the sworn enemy of China. No one would take
him in in China so he would have to take his chances in Mongolia, so off he went into unknown territory with
only the clothes on his back. As Gus looked back at the Great Wall he saw David silently watching him from
the top of the wall. David looked shocked and sad but raised his hand to signal a final farewell before Gus
disappeared out of sight in to the trees.
* * *